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Anxiety Therapy














Transformative Online CBT for Anxiety and Social Anxiety


Everyone experiences some level of anxiety and that is said not to minimize or dismiss anyone's experience. It is, however, said to validate that it is a very common and sometimes debilitating experience that presents in many different ways. Many of our clients' initial concern at Of Vineyards and Canopies Therapy Services PLLC (OVAC Therapy) is anxiety. We often tell our clients that anxiety can go by so many different names and be associated with other elements, such as worry, fear, apprehension, shyness, bashfulness, etc., but out of all of these words, fear is at the root of the issue.


Millions of people around the world struggle with anxiety and on higher levels of it may be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias.


The impact of anxiety on daily life can be profound, interfering with work, relationships, and overall quality of life. It can be paralyzing at times just like what we find in trauma disorders.  OVAC Therapy offers a range of effective approaches for managing and alleviating anxiety, with each method tailored to you. Of course, you may even have anxiety about starting therapy and meeting with a stranger so we offer online CBT for anxiety.


During our first session, we want to do our best to make sure that you are as comfortable as can be. To be honest, the first session can be the hardest, but we want to learn more about you so that we can be there for you. We appreciate the fact that you are choosing us and taking the leap of faith in being vulnerable with us during our online CBT for social anxiety. That is not something that we take for granted. Therapy is not meant to be a stressful situation; however, to challenge something, unfortunately, stress may be present. We strive to help you minimize as much of that as possible.


We think that it is very important to point out that not all anxiety is irrational. Sometimes, anxiety stems from very rational life occurrences and experiences. For instance, if you hear knocking on the door late at night when you are not expecting someone, anxiety may kick in to remind you to be cautious. That is a very natural response to the situation, which you may resolve with appropriate safety measures.


OVAC therapists hope to help you discern where that anxiety may be coming from if there is a trigger and find healthy ways to challenge anxiety when you feel that it is controlling your life and robbing you of opportunities. Anxiety can cost you by creating missed opportunities, regret, and poor self-concept amongst other things.


In our field, we do encounter all forms of anxiety, and we work really hard to treat clinical anxiety so that you can live in freedom. Some possible symptoms that may rob you of your sense of freedom may include: persistent and excessive worry or anxiety about various aspects of life, physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, sweating, trembling, or dizziness, avoidance of situations or places that trigger anxiety, difficulty concentrating or staying on task due to anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, or muscle tension, and panic attacks, characterized by sudden and intense episodes of fear or discomfort. This list is not exhaustive; however, it may be representative of the main concerns that anxiety causes. 


OVAC therapists tailor their treatments to your needs. We work with you to set goals to gradually reach where you want to go. For example, many of our clients come in with social anxiety. People and public speaking are often at the top of the list of what gives our clients anxiety and it can be very hard to avoid either one of them whether you are a child, adolescent, or adult. There are many people out there who are afraid of judgment and scrutiny of family, friends, peers, and colleagues to the point that it heavily impacts their performance and their ability to engage life. This fear impacts not only your mental health, but your social life, physical health, and your sense of purpose. OVAC therapists are with you in session, so that you can practice skills to challenge day-to-day stressors. Therapy goes beyond the session in that way.



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Reach out to us if you have any questions on how to start with us. We are happy to begin our journey with you!


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